Svadhisthana – Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana what is it?

Svadhisthana is the Sanskrit word for the sacral chakra, in English it translates to the dwelling place within. The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra. It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. It’s element is water and as such, its energy is characterized by flow and flexibility.

In the Tantric tradition, this chakra is associated with the genitals and sexual energy. Indian teachings place a lot of emphasis on celibacy, to raise and transmute this powerful sexual energy to the brain (or, more correctly, the Upper T’ien Tan Centre), increasing higher consciousness. In practice however, a lot of times the person being pressured will rebel, because the individual is not yet ready to renounce physical sex, and may become psychologically unbalanced or full of guilt which would lead this chakra to also be unbalanced.

The sacral chakra is represented by the color orange and is located about three inches below the navel, at the center of your lower belly. In the back, it’s located at the level of the lumbar vertebrae.
The symbol is a lotus flower with six petals, the sense is taste and the mantra for this Chakra is VAM.

The Sacral Chakra focuses on emotional depths, passion, pleasure and curiosity, This is the centre for emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.  I know some people who often refer to the second chakra as the “lover’s Chakra”.

Symbolically, the Sacral Chakra is the birth canal. We are capable to birth a life we want, to start that project we’ve always wanted to do, a relationship, a friendship, anything that we can put our minds to. It is having that personal power to move forward in life and do what you have always dreamed of accomplishing. It is the sensation of being physically alive and creating the life you want.

The life lesson of the Sacral Chakra is to bond with others in an emotionally healthy way and to express our creativity freely.


A balanced Sacral Chakra

In order to live a passionate and deep life you must have a balanced Sacral Chakra. If you ever feel detached from society or from yourself,  or if you are sick you most likely have an unbalanced Sacral Chakra.
The Sacral Chakra is the centre of creativity, everything that is possibly creative comes from the Sacral Chakra. It is also where your fertility originates. After all, conceiving a child is a creative process.

A person with an open Sacral Chakra is passionate, present in their body, sensual, creative, and connected to their feelings.
When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, the relationship with the world and other people is centered around nurturing, pleasure and harmonious exchange.

The Sacral centre is located to the quantity of sexual energy a person has.  When it is open, a person has a lot of sexual energy and sexual power.  When blocked, sexual sensations will be weak and disappointing.  People who have problems with guilt and sin, especially in the religious sense: the body is sinful, or sex is dirty; have problems with this chakra.





Balancing your Sacral Chakra

  • Meditate on specific energies and concepts.  By individually meditating on something specific we can help improve them. Mindfulness in a very condensed state.
  • Find an active passion.  The Sacral Chakra is not only a passionate and emotional chakra but it is also a physical one in this sense. People who are into yoga, tantra, sport etc usually have a pretty good sense of their emotional state, physical state and where they are going with what they are doing.  It is always good to find a physical activity or a hobby that you are passionate in and regularly indulge in to help balance this chakra.
  • Let go of regressive emotions and experience. Regressive experiences can help us want to stay away from positive progresses experiences we might be faced with. Take a few moments out to have mindfulness, forgive and forget and let go. You do not want to get tied to these emotions which will ultimately prevent this chakra from being balanced.
  • Soak in water and visualize Sacral Chakra balance.  Use a creative visualization meditation to visualize you Sacral Chakra and energy running towards it to help balance. Emotions and passion are fluid and so is water. They flow, they change, they adapt, they change in spectrum etc
  • Visualize orange. Orange is the sacral chakra’s color. Imagine a bright, healing orange glow filling up your entire lower abdomen—keeping in mind that we’re three dimensional.
  • Eat naturally orange-colored foods and wear Orange clothes. Oranges, Pumpkin, sweet potato are all naturally colored foods that can help balance your Sacral Chakra. By wearing and being around the colour Orange this can also give your Sacral Chakra a boost. shutterstock_439173490
  • Tone up.  While learning to let go of unnecessary muscular gripping and tension is ideal for chakra health throughout your body, it’s also important to take care of your body and keep your muscles strong and healthy.




Sacral Chakra Affirmations

  • I love and enjoy my body.
  • I have healthy boundaries.
  • I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.
  • I am passionate.
  • I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
  • I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.
  • I know how to take care of my needs.
  • I value and respect my body.



Powerful meditation to activate your Sacral Chakra


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