3 Keys to get people to like you – FAST!

Human beings… We all want to be liked and feel like somebody. We all want to feel appreciated and understood, and by making other people feel good about themselves we feel good about ourselves too. By making someone smile we will feel a sense of wellbeing and joy. If we make someone laugh, we will laugh even harder.

So I decided to put together an easy recipe to make people like you fast. It’s also a recipe to feel better about yourself.

Here it is:

1. Smiling triggers feel good chemicals in THEIR brain!

Did you know that smiling at other people triggers ‘feel good’ chemicals in their brain?! So by smiling you actually help other people feel good and them more relaxed around you. The absolute simplest way to get people to like you is to smile genuinely. People want to be around others that are fun and happy because it’s contagious. Smile and you are a person they probably want to be around. Smile and you’re in. Remember, if you act like you are happy, you’ll feel happier! Faking it actually fools your mind into feeling better. And the more you convince yourself that you are happy and feeling good the better it works.  You might want to try it!

The more you smile, the more effective you are at breaking the brains tendency to think negatively. If you smile often enough, you will end up rewiring your brain to make positive patterns more often than it does negative ones. So if you want to improve the quality of your life, you can just smile more often!




2. Mirroring and Matching

Mirror/copy people’s positioning. You probably do this with those around you more often than you realize. It is a powerful tool that we have always been using instinctively without even being aware of it. The most obvious forms of mirroring are yawning and smiling. The good news here is that you can use this knowledge to your advantage! People like people who are similar to them. So if you really want to establish a good connection with somebody you can consciously copy their body language, tonality, breath and words, and they will automatically feel more safe, relaxed and understood around you. You can meet them where they are and get them to subconsciously mirror you back. Then you can lead them into very good states and feelings. This technique can get you a lot of friends. You can use this in almost every situation, Work, friends, family, random people, dates and even emails by mirroring people s words. Remember, we have always been doing this, most of us being unaware of it. So don’t be surprised when you see how powerful this tool really is.

If you establish a good enough connection you can get a person to mirror YOU subconsciously




3. Ask People About Themselves

Harvard neuroscientists have found that talking about ourselves gives us the same signals of pleasure in the brain as food or money. Ask people about themselves. Be interested in them. What conversation is better than with a person who is genuinely interested in what you are saying? Just make sure the person talks about something he/she likes. Ask them good questions and their opinions so that they feel important and good about themselves.

This will definitely build a good connection between you and the person you’re talking with.



So here you have it 3 great keys to getting people to like you.

– Alexander Soares Varhaug



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Alexander Soares

I am an infinite being, incarnated here to assist planet Earth's spiritual ascension. I am LOVE. My name is Alexander. I am co-creator and team member of Powerthoughts meditation club, on the pursuit of raising the vibrations of this planet. I love to connect. To connect with people, myself, the Universe, nature, animals and YOU. My spiritual journey began when I decided not to live as a prisoner of negative thoughts and emotions, and turned my life around. I became more aware of my own energy and how I could raise it and use it to create and manifest. Through the teaching of spiritual masters and meditation I changed my thought and behavioral patterns, and started living a more positive and happy life. I'm grateful everyday. Now a few years later, I'm a certified EFT therapist and a NLP Master Coach and re-connective healer. Everyday I work on raising my own as well as the planets vibration. Life purpose: Observe, learn, love, grow, teach & create Infinite love.

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