Ancient History of Mankind – Part 1




History is riddled with theories and controversies regarding the origin of Mankind. Some may believe in the Evolution theory, some may believe we came from Adam and Eve, others may believe in aliens playing a part … the list of theories is endless. Regardless of your personal beliefs, a common threads runs through the majority of all of these theories if we go back and take a look into history, the ancient texts, and the ancient structures from around the world.




Pyramids, for instance are seen around the world, with the largest being in Giza in Egypt. There are claimed to be 118 worldwide, with thousands of smaller flat top pyramids constructed in absolutely every continent including under water in the Atlantic ocean. In China alone, there are 300 documented pyramids. In addition to this, there is evidence of pyramids existing on the planet Mars!  The complexity of these structures and precision with which they have been made is unquestionable and boggles the minds of scientists to this day. The search for how these geometrically perfect structures were built (during a time when modern technology did not allegedly exist) has been on going for decades.

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Stone ruins of South Africa (


Another example of unexplainable ancient history, is of the 10 million circular stone stud structures evident in South Africa emitting the highest measurements of sound and electromagnetic energy available on the planet. (See a detailed documentary about this HERE). They date back hundreds and thousands of years. It so happens, that the area within which they were built is significant for one particular thing – Gold. It appears that these stone structures played an important role in the mining of gold for ancient civilisations for thousands of years. Who made them? How did they have access to such knowledge and technology? What was the gold used for?


A vast array of ancient temples, ruins, spheres and structures are plain to see around the world and all point towards advanced ancient civilizations existing on the planet. We are told by scholars that human history began around 6000 years ago in Sumeria. We are also told that prior to this we were nothing but hairy barbarians. According to the likes of Drunvalo Melchizedek and Zecharai Sitchin as well as a multitude of geological evidence (particularly to do with the Sphinx in Egypt), there have been civilisations existing from way before these times who were so far advanced that we may not be able to fully comprehend it. The Mayan civilisation, for example (another advanced civilisation) tracked as far back as 2600 BC, accurately predicted the ‘wobble’ of the Earth – the precession of equinoxes – and built their temples to correspond with the celestial map. Again, how did they obtain the knowledge to make this possible?


The Sphinx in Egypt dates back to 2500BC (approximately 4500 years old) and is said to be built by the Pharaoh Chephren. This has become a widely accepted theory around the world. An Egyptologist, however, in 1972 – John Anthony West – proved this theory to be incorrect and made it apparent that the Sphinx was actually built much earlier; earlier than when humankind was said to have originated. This would suggest that civilisations existed way before we had originally assumed raising even more question about where we came from and how advanced we were to construct such structures at that time.




John Anthony West (inspired by the research of Rene Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz) decided to research the weather patterns which are found on the Sphinx and discovered that the patterns showed clear evidence of water erosion not just sand and wind as you would expect in a desert. Furthermore, he also calculated that there would have to have been a minimum of 1000 years of torrential rain flowing on the Sphinx consistently for it to display these patterns! The Sahara desert is at least 7000-9000 years old which then suggests that the Sphinx is at least 8000-10000 years old! To build such geometrically complex structures like the Sphinx or the Pyramids at this time when it is assumed we could not have been capable as mankind – when mankind allegedly did not even exist – raises even more question about the civilisations that inhabited our planet, let alone the significance of such structures.

Yet another civilisation which boggles the minds of scientists is the Dogon tribe, near Mali in West Africa, whose writings and teachings go back 700 years. Within the caves of the Dogon tribe are clear markings of the movement of the brightest star in the sky – Sirius A, and the smaller, denser star (or specifically “white dwarf”) Sirius B, in exact and accurate detail. The star and its orbit have been celebrated by this tribe since the 13th century.

Modern science only proved these Dogon artifacts to be true in 1982 after Galileo invented the Hubble Space Telescope. In addition to knowing the exact movements of Sirius A and B, the Dogons also knew that the planet Jupiter has 4 major moons, that Saturn has rings and that the exact length of time it takes for Sirius B to circulate around Sirius A – 50.1 years. How did they know this?

 imagesA Dogon image of our ancient ancestors – the Nomos – from the Sirius star system


Do these examples indicate that more advanced civilisations may have existed that science can not fully grasp at this stage? If anything, it does at least allow for a certain degree of open mindedness regarding our history and the intelligence that may have inhabited this earth; pointing to higher intelligence playing a major role in where we are today as a civilisation.

The presence of these ancient structures and knowledge points to ‘gaps’ in our history from 10-12000 years ago. It also indicates the intelligence of the civilisations that built these huge yet intricate, intelligently aligned structures and the writings produced by them (hieroglyphs) which are abundantly present within these said structures. What does it all point to? What are we missing? What can we learn? What do the ancient carvings teach us? Is it possible to obtain this level of intelligence and what would it mean for us as a planet? The prospect is hugely exciting and requires an open mind to understand the significance and relevance.


To be continued …………………



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Risha Joshi

Hi everyone, My name is Risha Joshi and I am a team member, editor and writer for PowerThoughts Meditation Club. I am an avid fan of meditation and strongly believe in the benefits gained by adopting it into our daily lives. I believe we are all connected beings, on a spiritual and evolutionary journey. From a young age I have felt a strong urge to help those who suffer from the consequences of negative thinking patterns. As a part-time Dentist, I apply and teach meditation techniques to my patients. I greatly enjoy helping them to overcome their fears, as well as equipping them with the courage to face their experience. My mission: To help and empower people so that they may see their abundant personal power and potential, in the hope that we may all realise our connection to everything and everyone. If you are reading my articles...I hope that they achieve just that for you. We are One. Namaste. Visit me at

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